Tuesday 24 June 2014

Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images

Cat Pictures Biography

source (google.com.pk)
Domestic cats, no matter their breed, are all members of one species. Felis catus has had a very long relationship with humans. Ancient Egyptians may have first domesticated cats as early as 4,000 years ago. Plentiful rodents probably drew wild felines to human communities. The cats' skill in killing them may have first earned the affectionate attention of humans. Early Egyptians worshipped a cat goddess and even mummified their beloved pets for their journey to the next world—accompanied by mummified mice! Cultures around the world later adopted cats as their own companions.
Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth. They are particularly effective at night, when their light-reflecting eyes allow them to see better than much of their prey. Cats also enjoy acute hearing. All cats are nimble and agile, and their long tails aid their outstanding balance.
Cats communicate by marking trees, fence posts, or furniture with their claws or their waste. These scent posts are meant to inform others of a cat's home range. House cats employ a vocal repertoire that extends from a purr to a screech.
Domestic cats remain largely carnivorous, and have evolved a simple gut appropriate for raw meat. They also retain the rough tongue that can help them clean every last morsel from an animal bone (and groom themselves). Their diets vary with the whims of humans, however, and can be supplemented by the cat's own hunting successes.

Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Cat Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images

Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images

Dog Pictures Biography

source (google.com.pk)

The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris, previously Canis familiaris) is the 18-31,000 year old descendant of a now extinct European Wolf, and a member of the Canidae family of the mammalian order Carnivora. The term "domestic dog" is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties. The dog was the first domesticated animal and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and pet animal in human history.[citation needed] The word "dog" can also refer to the male of a canine species, as opposed to the word "bitch" which refers to the female of the species.

Recent studies of "well-preserved remains of a dog-like canid from the Razboinichya Cave" in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia concluded that a particular instance of early wolf domestication approximately 33,000 years ago did not result in modern dog lineages, possibly because of climate disruption during the Last Glacial Maximum. The authors postulate that at least several such incipient events have occurred. A study of fossil dogs and wolves in Belgium, Ukraine, and Russia tentatively dates domestication from 14,000 years ago to more than 31,700 years ago. Another recent study has found support for claims of dog domestication between 14,000 and 16,000 years ago, with a range between 9,000 and 34,000 years ago, depending on mutation rate assumptions. Dogs' value to early human hunter-gatherers led to them quickly becoming ubiquitous across world cultures. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend" in the Western world. In some cultures, however, dogs are also a source of meat. In 2001, there were estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.

Most breeds of dog are at most a few hundred years old, having been artificially selected for particular morphologies and behaviors by people for specific functional roles. Through this selective breeding, the dog has developed into hundreds of varied breeds, and shows more behavioral and morphological variation than any other land mammal. For example, height measured to the withers ranges from 15.2 centimetres (6.0 in) in the Chihuahua to about 76 cm (30 in) in the Irish Wolfhound; color varies from white through grays (usually called "blue") to black, and browns from light (tan) to dark ("red" or "chocolate") in a wide variation of patterns; coats can be short or long, coarse-haired to wool-like, straight, curly, or smooth. It is common for most breeds to shed this coat.

 Dog is the common use term that refers to members of the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris (canis, "dog"; lupus, "wolf"; familiaris, "of a household" or "domestic"). The term can also be used to refer to a wider range of related species, such as the members of the genus Canis, or "true dogs", including the wolf, coyote, and jackals, or it can refer to the members of the tribe Canini, which would also include the African wild dog, or it can be used to refer to any member of the family Canidae, which would also include the foxes, bush dog, raccoon dog, and others. Some members of the family have dog in their common names, such as the raccoon dog and the African wild dog. A few animals have dog in their common names but are not canids, such as the prairie dog.

The English word dog comes from Middle English dogge, from Old English docga, a "powerful dog breed". The term may possibly derive from Proto-Germanic *dukkōn, represented in Old English finger-docce ("finger-muscle"). The word also shows the familiar petname diminutive -ga also seen in frogga "frog", picga "pig", stagga "stag", wicga "beetle, worm", among others. The term dog may ultimately derive from the earliest layer of Proto-Indo-European vocabulary, reflecting the role of the dog as the earliest domesticated animal.

In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English: hund) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog referred to a subtype of hound, a group including the mastiff. It is believed this "dog" type was so common, it eventually became the prototype of the category "hound". By the 16th century, dog had become the general word, and hound had begun to refer only to types used for hunting. Hound, cognate to German Hund, Dutch hond, common Scandinavian hund, and Icelandic hundur, is ultimately derived from the Proto-Indo-European *kwon- "dog", found in Sanskrit kukuur (कुक्कुर), Welsh ci (plural cwn), Latin canis, Greek kýōn, and Lithuanian šuõ.

In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a bitch (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, ultimately from Old Norse bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam. Offspring are, in general, called pups or puppies, from French poupée, until they are about a year old. The process of birth is whelping, from the Old English word hwelp (cf. German Welpe, Dutch welp, Swedish valpa, Icelandic hvelpur). The term "whelp" can also be used to refer to the young of any canid, or as a (somewhat archaic) alternative to "puppy".

Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images 
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Dog Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images


Thursday 19 June 2014

Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images

Funny Puppy Pictures Biography

source (google.com.pk)
A puppy is a juvenile dog. Some puppies can weigh 1–3 lb (0.45–1.36 kg), while larger ones can weigh up to 15–23 lb (6.8–10.4 kg). All healthy puppies grow quickly after birth. A puppy's coat color may change as the puppy grows older, as is commonly seen in breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier. In vernacular English, puppy refers specifically to dogs while pup may often be used for other mammals such as seals, giraffes, guinea pigs, or even rats.


Born after an average of 63 days of gestation, puppies emerge in an amnion that is bitten off and eaten by the mother dog. Puppies begin to nurse almost immediately. If the litter exceeds six puppies, particularly if one or more are obvious runts, human intervention in hand-feeding the stronger puppies is necessary to ensure that the runts get proper nourishment and attention from the mother. As they reach one month of age, puppies are gradually weaned and begin to eat solid food. The mother may regurgitate partially digested food for the puppies or might let them eat some of her solid food. The mother dog usually refuses to nurse at this stage, though she might let them occasionally nurse for comfort.

At first, puppies spend the large majority of their time sleeping and the rest feeding. They instinctively pile together into a heap, and become distressed if separated from physical contact with their littermates, by even a short distance.

Puppies are born with a fully functional sense of smell but can't open their eyes. During their first two weeks, a puppy's senses all develop rapidly. During this stage the nose is the primary sense organ used by puppies to find their mother's teats, and to locate their litter-mates, if they become separated by a short distance. Puppies open their eyes about nine to eleven days following birth. At first, their retinas are poorly developed and their vision is poor. Puppies are not able to see as well as adult dogs. In addition, puppies' ears remain sealed until about thirteen to seventeen days after birth, after which they respond more actively to sounds. Between two to four weeks old, puppies usually begin to growl, bite, wag their tails, and bark.

Puppies develop very quickly during their first three months, particularly after their eyes and ears open and they are no longer completely dependent on their mother. Their coordination and strength improve, they spar with their litter-mates, and begin to explore the world outside the nest. They play wrestling, chase, dominance, and tug-of-war games.


Puppies are highly social animals and spend most of their waking hours interacting with either their mother or littermates. When puppies are socialized with humans, particularly between the ages of eight and twelve weeks, they develop social skills around people. Those that do not receive adequate socialization during this period may display fearful behavior around humans or other dogs as adults. The optimum period for socialisation is between eight to twelve weeks; professional animal trainers and the American Kennel Club advise puppies should be introduced to "100 People by 12 Weeks" and have encountered a wide and varied selection of people and environments.

Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images 
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images 
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Puppy Pictures  with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images    

Funny Puppy Pictures   with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images 

Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images

Funny Pictures Of Cats Biography

source (google.com.pk)
he domestic cat (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. It is often called the housecat when kept as an indoor pet, or simply the cat when there is no need to distinguish it from other felids and felines. Cats are often valued by humans for companionship, and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests.

Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans.

Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a social species, and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting) as well as cat pheromones, and types of cat-specific body languages

Cats have a rapid breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering, and the abandonment of former household pets, has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control.

Since cats were cult animals in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been domesticated there, but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic from around 9500 years ago (7500 BC).

A genetic study in 2007 concluded that domestic cats are descended from African wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) c. 8000 BC, in West Asia.Cats are the most popular pet in the world, and are now found in almost every place where humans live.


The domesticated cat and its closest wild ancestor are both diploid organisms that possess 38 chromosomes[43] and roughly 20,000 genes. About 250 heritable genetic disorders have been identified in cats, many similar to human inborn errors. The high level of similarity among the metabolisms of mammals allows many of these feline diseases to be diagnosed using genetic tests that were originally developed for use in humans, as well as the use of cats as animal models in the study of the human diseases.

Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
       Funny Pictures Of Cats with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images         

Funny Moving Animated with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images Pictures

Funny Moving Animated Pictures Biography

Source (google.com.pk)
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Photo moving is the use of one or more photographs to create an animated image or scene, usually through some type of manipulation. One of the simplest ways in which such animations can be created is through the use of multiple still images that suggest motion over time. Text and other features can be added to still photographs to create a narrative that unfolds as the different images in each photograph are revealed. There are also more complicated methods of photo animation, such as the use of photo manipulation software to combine multiple pictures or to change an image to create an animation.

The Tiger Makes Out, a similarly brief appearance in Un Dollaro per Sette Vigliachi followed later that same year, as did a highly-acclaimed turn in the theatrical farce Eh? It was here that he was first spotted by director Mike Nichols, who cast him in the lead role in his 1967 black comedy The Graduate. Though 30 at the time of filming, Hoffman was perfectly cast as an alienated college student, and his work won him not only an Oscar nomination but also made him a hugely popular performer with the youth market. His status as a burgeoning counterculture hero was solidified thanks to his work in John Schlesinger's 1969 Academy Award winner Midnight Cowboy, which earned Hoffman a second Oscar bid. While the follow-up, the romance John and Mary, was a disappointment, in 1970 he starred in Arthur Penn's Little Big Man, delivering a superb portrayal of an Indian fighter -- a role which required him to age 100 years. Directed by his longtime friend Ulu Grosbard, 1971's Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? was Hoffman's first outright failure

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Funny Moving Animated Pictureswith Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying with Guns with Captions with Girl Images
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Funny Moving Animated Pictures with Funny Sayings in Hindi Saying Funny Thing with Saying 
with Guns with Captions with Girl Images